Sunday, July 19, 2009

St. Patrick's, Fort Augustus

St. Patrick's Fort Augustus. This is a very beautiful church. I believe I read somewhere that it is the truest gothic style church on the island (In that writers opinion of course)

I'm tired and off to bed so I'll let the pictures speak for themselves! ;)

St. Martin of Tours, Cumberland

This is St. Martin of Tours, it's a very small parish in Cumberland PEI, just south-west of Cornwall. Now it's more or less a mission of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Cornwall, but it has it's own pastor who is also in charge or another small parish.

It is a very neat little church, built of all island sandstone.
It measures only 50' in length and 26' wide. It was consecrated by Bishop Peter McIntyre Nov. 11th 1868, and took one year to complete.The quarry that the stone came from was only about a quarter of a mile down the road.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

St. Dunstan's Cathedral Basilica - Charlottetown

This is the Cathedral Church of the Diocese of Charlottetown.
It is the third Church of the parish, and I believe second cathedral of the diocese. It was opened in 1919.

Sadly I didn't get many pictures because I was in town for an ordination and didn't have time to take many.

This church however, in my opinion is the most beautiful church in Altantic Canada. In fact the only rivals I can think of would be St. Patrick's Basilica, and La Basilique Notre Dame both in Montreal.

St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral- Charlottetown

This is St. Peter's Cathedral in Charlottetown. it is the Co-Cathedral, I believe is what they call it. Of the Anglican diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

Exterior Pictures

Interior facing the altar, The church is actually a lot smaller than I would have thought. There aren't really that many pews.

Pulpit and lectern.


Also attached to this church is All Souls Chapel, I couldn't go in because Evensong was going on and I didn't want to interrupt like a nosy tourist.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Christ Church Cathedral - Fredericton

wow, it's been awhile since I've posted anything.... a whole school year to be exact. Although I've been in quite a few different churches over the year in New Brunswick, this is the only one I got pictures of.

This is the Anglican Cathedral of the Diocese of Fredericton. I don't know much about it other than that.

It is a very beautiful piece of architecture, it looks much bigger from the outside than it actually is on the inside. Although there is a lot of room in the sanctuary area of the church, from the looks of the outside it has a fairly big sacristy as well.

A view from the back.

Hope to get more churches up here soon.